POS 2008 Annual Show - Schedule of Lectures

Philippine Orchid Society 2008 Annual Show

Daily lectures were held in the exhibit area of the Show. Here is the list of topics discussed in the Show:

February 29, 2008 Friday 2PM - "Growing Monopodial Orchids – Vanda & Phalaenopsis" by Carlos Valeriano C. Lazaro

March 1, 2008 Saturday 10AM - "Plant Art" by Serapion Metilla

March 1, 2008 Saturday 2PM - "Growing Sympodial Orchids – Dendrobium & Cattleya" by Vicente Chin, Jr.

March 2, 2008 Sunday 10AM - "Basic Landscaping" by Fred B. Salud

March 2, 2008 Sunday 2PM - "Popular Orchids for Beginners" by Wilhelm G. Ortaliz

March 3, 2008 Monday 2PM - "Controlling Orchid Pests & Diseases" by Norberto R. Bautista

March 4, 2008 Tuesday 2PM - "Orchid Potting Techniques" by Andres S. Golamco, Jr.

March 5, 2008 Wednesday 2PM - "Fertilization of Orchids & Ornamental Plants" by a representative of Allied Botanicals Corporation

March 6, 2008 Thursday 2PM - "Orchids in Flower Arrangement" by Edgar Littaua

March 7, 2008 Friday 2PM - "Orchid Seed Culture" by Alicia Acoba

March 8, 2008 Saturday 2PM - "Culture of Sansevierias" by Vangie Go

March 9, 2008 Sunday 2PM
- "Cultivation & Conservation of Philippine Orchid Species" by Edwin Francisco

March 10, 2008 Monday 2PM
- "Starting an Orchid & Ornamental Plant Business" by Zac Sarian


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