LBOS 2007 Annual Show - Winners 12: Hoya imperialis

Los Baños Orchid Society 2007 Annual Show
Hoya imperialis (Grower: Carlos Valeriano Lazaro) - Best Philippine Indigenous Plant

Hoya imperialisHoya imperialis
(Click this link to view larger photo.)

Hoya imperialis belongs to the family Apocynaceae with 200 - 300 species. "Hoya" was named by Scottish botanist Robert Brown in 1810 in honor of his English friend-botanist Thomas Hoy. H. imperialis was first described by John Lindley in 1846.

H. imperialis can be found in South East Asia, from Malaysia, Borneo, and the Philippines. H. imperialis grow in mangrove forests, usually in the top branches of trees.

H. imperialis is a climbing vine, and in cultivation, is grown in stakes or circular wires atop pots with well-drained compost soil. Place it in a semi-shade location with regular watering. H. imperialis cannot tolerate frost. It bears big sweet-scented reddish to maroon flowers. There is also a white (alba) form originally found in Palawan Island, Philippines.

1. Bureau of Agricultural Research, Philippines
2. Growing
3. Succulent
4. My
5. Rare
6. Wikipedia

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